The Center for Advanced Non-Ferrous Structural Alloys (CANFSA) is a multi-university research center focusing on the development and deployment of advanced non-ferrous alloys.

What is CANFSA?

The Center for Advanced Non-Ferrous Structural Alloys (CANFSA) was launched in 2011 as a National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I\UCRC) to facilitate the advancement of non-ferrous structural alloys. We are located at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, and at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.


Our Vision

Our vision is to be the premier center for non-ferrous physical metallurgy and materials science and engineering. We seek to:

Create Connections

Connect academia, industry, and government

Train the Future

Train students and the next generation of non-ferrous physical metallurgists

Expand Scientific Knowledge

Identify fundamental scientific challenges and understand new phenomenon to solve real-world challenges

Advance Applied Research

Understand industrially relevant processing-microstructure-property-performance relationships using state-of-the-art experimentation and modeling

CANFSA presently manages over a dozen projects with the help of industry and government partners. We receive funding primarily from three sources: NSF, membership dues, and leveraged (external funding) projects. The center is always looking for new partners and challenges. Feel free to contact us for additional details!


Communication between CANFSA and industry and government partners occurs in several ways including:


Semi-Annual Advisor Board Meetings

  • Graduate student researchers present research results every 6 months
  • New project ideas are reviewed and ranked by CANFSA members
  • Leadership interacts with the Industry Advisor Board (IAB) and develops strategic initiatives

Project Mentoring by IAB Members

  • Members interact with students on a frequent perspective, helping mentor the next generation of non-ferrous metallurgists
  • Mentors also provide valuable industrial perspective to shape ongoing research

Days Until The Next CANFSA Meeting









CANFSA has a wide range of facilities and equipment at its dispoal. Due to continuous evolution of these capabilities at Colorado School of Mines and Iowa State, follow the buttons below for a complete and detailed listing.

Center Leadership

Mike Kaufman

Mike Kaufman

Center Director, Colorado School of Mines

Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Pete Collins

Pete Collins

Co-Director, Iowa State University

Al and Julie Renken Professor, Materials Science and Engineering 

CANFSA Faculty

Mike Kaufman

Mike Kaufman

Center Director, Colorado School of Mines

Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Pete Collins

Pete Collins

Co-Director, Iowa State University

Al and Julie Renken Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Pete Collins

Mohsen Asle Zaeem

Colorado School of Mines

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Pete Collins

Nelson delfino De Campos Neto

Colorado School of Mines

Research Faculty

Pete Collins

Duane Johnson

Iowa State University

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Mike Kaufman

Jonah Klemm-Toole

Colorado School of Mines

Assistant Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Pete Collins

Richard LeSar

Iowa State University

Lynn Gleason Professor of Interdisciplinary Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Pete Collins

Suveen Mathaudhu

Colorado School of Mines

Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Mike Kaufman

Stephen Midson

Colorado School of Mines

Research Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Pete Collins

Ralph Napolitano

Iowa State University

Professor, Associate Chair, Materials Science and Engineering

Pete Collins

Sid Pathak

Iowa State University

Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Mike Kaufman

María José Quintana

Iowa State University

Research Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Mike Kaufman

Shraddha Vachhani

Iowa State University

Adjunct Assistant, Professor Materials Science and Engineering


Amy Clarke

Debbie Haywood

Colorado School of Mines