What is CANFSA?

The Center for Advanced Non-Ferrous Structural Alloys (CANFSA) was launched in 2011 as a National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCUC) to facilitate the advancement of non-ferrous structural alloys. We are located at the Colorado School of Mines and Iowa State University.

Our vision is to be the premier center for non-ferrous physical metallurgy and materials science and engineering. We seek to:

  • Connect academia, industry, and government
  • Understand industrially relevant processing-microstructure-property-performance relationships using state-of-the-art experimentation and modeling
  • Train students and the next generation of non-ferrous physical metallurgists

CANFSA presently manages over a dozen projects with the help of industry and government partners. We receive funding primarily from three sources: NSF, membership dues, and leveraged projects. The center is always looking for new partners and challenges. Please feel free to contact us for additional details (canfsa@mines.edu).

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